[:1]This sticky features some information that is important to this forum part and posting in it.
Reading it is suggested if you are not sure where to post or how to post.
Reading the rules before posting is suggested as well, to prevent any complications.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________
Question: What can I post in this forum part?
Questions That relate to general mapping of the warcraftIII editor.
including: (Tools, Models, Skins, Icons, Campaign editor, Object editor, Gameplay constance, Gamplay interface, Ai editor and the Import manager.)
__________________________________________________ __________________________________
Question: Whats the average time someone will answer my question.
It depends on the degree of your question and the number of people looking in it.
For easier question you can mainly expect an answer within a few hours to a day.
For more complicated questions, a day or two can occur.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________
Question: Where can I find frequently asked question about mapping and modding.
First of all, it's handy to use the search function, to browse through this forum, to see if your question might have been answered before.
Secondly, we have a tutorial arhive with tutorial about various aspects of the editor.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________
Question: How can I upload an map or Tutorial
*To upload A tutorial click here (The Tutorials you submit are checked on quality, and could take several days to get validated and approved into our archives)
[small]Please read the rules and guidelines before submitting a new tutorial[/small]
*To upload A map click here
(maps will be uploaded between 2 and 7 days into our database)
(you need to be A usser in order to submit A map)
__________________________________________________ __________________________________
The FAQ is not fully done, but I think these will give some answers on most questions.
Friday, March 30, 2012
For StarCraft I and StarCraft II Mapmaking, look here!
[:1]While we are to cover any topic relating to mapmaking in WarCraft III here, you can also find more information about mapmaking on StarCraft I and StarCraft II over at StarCraftWire.net.
The forums there will help you with mapmaking of any game, but they specialize in the StarCraft franchise. There is also a new Mapmaking guide section in the ScraftWiki.com which includes WarCraft III mapping, as it is so closely resemblant to StarCraft II. You should feel free to browse, or to perhaps contribute a bit.
Greetings all Blizzard fans, see you on Battle.net 2.0!
The forums there will help you with mapmaking of any game, but they specialize in the StarCraft franchise. There is also a new Mapmaking guide section in the ScraftWiki.com which includes WarCraft III mapping, as it is so closely resemblant to StarCraft II. You should feel free to browse, or to perhaps contribute a bit.
Greetings all Blizzard fans, see you on Battle.net 2.0!
The Problem and Solution Game
[:1]Okay since most ussers agreed to have this idea implented, I made it up and running now.
*The Problem and Solution Game*
How does it work?
This acts like a game.
The current leader will post a trigger problem (The objective)
Others will then go and try to solve this, the first person to solve the problem correctly (so not most effectively) will be tagged as the new leader.
The new leader will make a new objective and that makes the circle round.
When is something solved?
To confirm that problem has been solved correctly, you have to attach a map along with your post, and the current leader has to approve that the objective has been accomplished.
What is allowed and what not?
- GUI and jass are both allowed to solve the problem.
- The map can be RoC or TFT.
- Obviously to ask the question on another forum and then presenting it here is not allowed.
- It's not allowed to post the answer in just text, you will need to attach a map so people (especially the leader) can check it.
- The map should be a open source, meaning not protected, though I don't see a reason why it should, ill just state it incase.
As I'm the current leader I'll go first ^_^.
Lets start out easy so everybody can join in still =P.
Make a chat command that outputs the amount of time the usser has been playing.|||i made one but the forum quota wont allow me to post it in :(
since it wont work, heres the trigger:
did i win :)|||Maps are attacheable again.
Bruce Beefcake resolved the objective and thus is the new leader, you may now make a new objective for the users to solve.|||yay :)
alright heres the problem. im guessing its medium hard, probable easy.
Make me a board, leaderboard or multiboard, that when a unit enters a region, a board will show up with information about a hero and what current heroes are. for an example:
agility heroes: 4
Strength Heroes: 1
Intelligence heroes : 0
Hero ability 1: blah blah (up to 3) and then do 1 ultimate
hopefully i explained it good
Colors do not matter; just make it good :)
Off-Objective: can we choose better triggers or do we choose the first person that makes it?|||Ok, I think I finished it, look at the map, cause it really sucked to make it ... (I have no idea if this is what you want, but well take a look, just make hero's from the different altars and walk them to the trees (were the region is) then it should show an multiboard with the data. It was quite some work and it only works with the hero's that are in the game (I made about 6 variables and one was an array with the range of 64 :| ) O well, have a look ;)|||Quote:
It was quite some work
Exactly why lazy me decided to pass this one on :)
That and I don't do multi/leader boards :P|||really nice. i like it :)
TheOneNeo has resolved my problem and is now THE ONE current leader
Sorry for making it really difficult and thanks :D|||Ok, with me being the new leader, I'll come up with an medi-hard idea of what I want to show...
Make me an system that gives you an posibility to travel "back in time". When you make an "Time capsule" and you use its ability everything on the map will set back in time for 10 seconds (so units that died, units hp, units mana).
I have no idea if this idea is doable, but I think it is if you don't have any idea how to do it (after trying) I'll give some hints..
TheOneNeo out!
EDIT: anybody got an clue how to do it, or should I give hints already??|||ouch thats hard. Good luck to whoever is doing it|||I think this is doable, it's just allot of work I guess, from my idea, you should save the map stats every 10 seconds, and that is going to eat quite some memory from your game, nonetheless it can be done, though not sure if I have the time to do it ^_^.
Edit: and this is almost impossible to make MUI, it would clash way to much, should it be MUI, or just make one capsule that 1 player can enter, and that then the events will change?|||Good luck Warnicro, and whoever else is planning to try it.|||@ warn, either way is good|||err... game dead?
Neo, can you get a new (easier) objective up?
I think we've all given up (whether due to lack of ideas or time) since the last post was a month ago.|||Well alright ... I might make that sometimes for myself then hehe (it is doable and not "that" hard I think)
euhm euhm .. ok
What about an trigger that makes all your units transparant for an (or more) second(s) and make it look like all units are floating (like if they would all turn into spirits ...) don't think this one is to hard (think it can be done with abils ...) it can have any action, maybe type in: -ghost or smth ....
Anyway, gl on your new objective.|||do you mean invisible or transparent? because there's a big difference between the two.
You could just give & take away the crow form ability to every unit, set their flying height to a certain number, then set their transparency to whatever. (Transparency is under Animation)
Can't be bothered to write a map for it. And for the reverse time one, what you could do is when it's cast, it saves the data. Play continues as normal for ten seconds, and then it suddenly jumps back to what it was when it was first cast. As to casting it and it immediately going back in time, there's no realistic solution without it eating your memory like crazy.
That being said, I have been able to make a spell that freezes time for 10 seconds, with only the caster being unaffected. It's pretty cool, actually. It's going to be the antagonist's ultimate in my campaign, Pyritie's Adventure.|||ok, changed the invisble to transparant ... I meaned transparant anyway ...
Btw setting variables every second doesn't eat to much memory I think (depends ofc if you do more in that second) also it will only be actived after the thing is build/learned ofc....|||well a couple days ago i had an answer to your "go back in time spell" neo. kind of like the dota one right? yeah. well, if you still want it, pm me and ill send it to you. i wouldve posted but i wanted to give people a chance and i didnt know what was going on with the site...
found that out today :)
That being said, I have been able to make a spell that freezes time for 10 seconds, with only the caster being unaffected.
War stomp with a 99999999 range? :)|||dunno if it is like dota one, but anyway, post it here, if that one is "correct" then you'll be the leader (solution to either spell is alright if the solution is good ofc)|||well, if someone was going to post something for your problems, then i'll let them post and have a shot at the leader position. if no one says otherwise then i'll post it. i dont want to hog the leadership.

War stomp with a 99999999 range? :)
nah, I used battle roar as a base spell.
It's completely triggered. It also freezes every units' animation, and then unfreezes it at the end. I'm very proud of it.
And I think I have a problem, if noone can come up with one. It's probably a hard(ish) one that would involve a lot of math.|||Quote:

nah, I used battle roar as a base spell.
It's completely triggered. It also freezes every units' animation, and then unfreezes it at the end. I'm very proud of it.
And I think I have a problem, if noone can come up with one. It's probably a hard(ish) one that would involve a lot of math.
pssst. you want the Go back in time answer? Assuming if its ok and if its the correct form TheOneNeo wanted.
Oh yeah i forgot about animation. they still have animation when stunned.|||Bruce if you have an answer, plz post it and I'll see if it is correct, then you'll be the leader, I don't think anybody else is working on an solution ...|||Go back in time 10 seconds? I can imagine how to do it, with some lag perhaps but still do it. Wouldn't mind having a crack at it. Thanks for the challenge!
It needs to use gamecache and unit handles. Considering gamecache has a save unit function, that should make it easier... just every second, pick every unit, save it to... [slot 1-10][unit handle]... As well as saving its position.
PS. Would it be satisfactory if it didn't effect dead units/revived heroes? That adds whole new problems...|||GAHHH... Wouldn't believe it... I was typing this up and I accidentally hit back on my mouse!
Oh well. I did it.
I included a dark ranger in the example because it has some really cool effects... If you learn an ability in the 10 seconds you reverse, the ability is unlearned and the skill point returned. Also, if you charm a unit, it is returned to it's original owner.
The only thing I just realised is that to use it in a real map you'd need to make the unit group variable an array that uses the integer for a key... If you want to use this in a real map, maybe ask and I may be able to help you with it.
Anyway, wasn't that hard to make, just took a little thinking.
Oh yeah, the only thing is it doesn't effect dead units, because once you try to revive units and un-revive heroes and things you're much more likely to get crash bugs and stuff... Besides, this seems to be more than anyone else can come up with...
So, is it what you were after? :y-sneaky:|||hehe thats pretty good. im quite glad i didnt post. he just put mine to shame. The only bug i saw with it was the summons. when the skeletons were alive with the summon timer, and you use the "go back in time" thing, they lose the summon timer. otherwise good job on making this cool spell, im sure TheOneNeo will really like it.|||Haha, good point... I didn't think about summons... Lol. But you can add everything to different values anyway if you were gonna use the ability in a map. If you look at the triggers and see the unitx, unity, unitf, unitp... you could just add unitt or somthing for timers and set that up... But yeah I doubt it matters much, the theory has been shown.
Also I've never heard of anyone else making a time warp ability... Has it ever been done before?|||I don't think so, that is why I wanted somebody to see if, but now, you are the leader of this game :) I like it :) (althought small things that might not be working) and indeed bringing things back to life would be to much to ask ;)
You are the leader, come up with your problem ;)|||Haha, yay! I love being the only person to do somthing crazy with triggers... XD
Now to think up a neat problem...
Okay, this is definitely possible and probably shouldn't even be too hard. I was going to make it harder, but I wont - this shouldn't even need JASS.
First, put the camera in a side on view... With a bit of a Z-Offset so you can see things (camera above the ground). The idea is to get it side on, because this is going to be 2d style. Make a bird that is controllable by left, right, up and down keys.
So, it should be a side on view of a bird, which the player can control the flight of to make it go up, down, left and right. Bonus points if you make the camera follow the bird so it is always center screen.
Not too difficult, just enough to make people think creatively.
Happy triggering.
|||what you mean by the camera: is it a bird's eye view, or like a 3d view sort of like Gears of War(camara is behind the unit)?|||Neither. Camera is to the side of the unit. Like Mario... Imagine the bird as being like Mario, being able to go up, down, left and right. I know it isn't common to do 2d sidescroller style maps in Warcraft, but they have some single-player potential really. Just make it so the bird moves along the X-axis and the camera is perpendicular to it... And slightly elevate the camera so it isn't burried in the ground.
*The Problem and Solution Game*
How does it work?
This acts like a game.
The current leader will post a trigger problem (The objective)
Others will then go and try to solve this, the first person to solve the problem correctly (so not most effectively) will be tagged as the new leader.
The new leader will make a new objective and that makes the circle round.
When is something solved?
To confirm that problem has been solved correctly, you have to attach a map along with your post, and the current leader has to approve that the objective has been accomplished.
What is allowed and what not?
- GUI and jass are both allowed to solve the problem.
- The map can be RoC or TFT.
- Obviously to ask the question on another forum and then presenting it here is not allowed.
- It's not allowed to post the answer in just text, you will need to attach a map so people (especially the leader) can check it.
- The map should be a open source, meaning not protected, though I don't see a reason why it should, ill just state it incase.
As I'm the current leader I'll go first ^_^.
Lets start out easy so everybody can join in still =P.
Make a chat command that outputs the amount of time the usser has been playing.|||i made one but the forum quota wont allow me to post it in :(
since it wont work, heres the trigger:
Time - Every 1.00 seconds of game time
Set MinuteString = (String(Minute))
Set SecondString = (String(Second))
Set HourString = (String(Hour))
Set Second = (Second + 1)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Second Equal to 60
Then - Actions
Set Minute = (Minute + 1)
Set Second = 0
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Minute Equal to 60
Then - Actions
Set Hour = (Hour + 1)
Set Minute = 0
Else - Actions
Ask for a time
Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing -HowLongHaveIBeenPlaying as An exact match
Game - Display to (All players) for 30.00 seconds the text: ((HourString + Hour(s)/) + ((MinuteString + Minute(s)/) + (SecondString + Second(s)/)))
did i win :)|||Maps are attacheable again.
Bruce Beefcake resolved the objective and thus is the new leader, you may now make a new objective for the users to solve.|||yay :)
alright heres the problem. im guessing its medium hard, probable easy.
Make me a board, leaderboard or multiboard, that when a unit enters a region, a board will show up with information about a hero and what current heroes are. for an example:
agility heroes: 4
Strength Heroes: 1
Intelligence heroes : 0
Hero ability 1: blah blah (up to 3) and then do 1 ultimate
hopefully i explained it good
Colors do not matter; just make it good :)
Off-Objective: can we choose better triggers or do we choose the first person that makes it?|||Ok, I think I finished it, look at the map, cause it really sucked to make it ... (I have no idea if this is what you want, but well take a look, just make hero's from the different altars and walk them to the trees (were the region is) then it should show an multiboard with the data. It was quite some work and it only works with the hero's that are in the game (I made about 6 variables and one was an array with the range of 64 :| ) O well, have a look ;)|||Quote:
It was quite some work
Exactly why lazy me decided to pass this one on :)
That and I don't do multi/leader boards :P|||really nice. i like it :)
TheOneNeo has resolved my problem and is now THE ONE current leader
Sorry for making it really difficult and thanks :D|||Ok, with me being the new leader, I'll come up with an medi-hard idea of what I want to show...
Make me an system that gives you an posibility to travel "back in time". When you make an "Time capsule" and you use its ability everything on the map will set back in time for 10 seconds (so units that died, units hp, units mana).
I have no idea if this idea is doable, but I think it is if you don't have any idea how to do it (after trying) I'll give some hints..
TheOneNeo out!
EDIT: anybody got an clue how to do it, or should I give hints already??|||ouch thats hard. Good luck to whoever is doing it|||I think this is doable, it's just allot of work I guess, from my idea, you should save the map stats every 10 seconds, and that is going to eat quite some memory from your game, nonetheless it can be done, though not sure if I have the time to do it ^_^.
Edit: and this is almost impossible to make MUI, it would clash way to much, should it be MUI, or just make one capsule that 1 player can enter, and that then the events will change?|||Good luck Warnicro, and whoever else is planning to try it.|||@ warn, either way is good|||err... game dead?
Neo, can you get a new (easier) objective up?
I think we've all given up (whether due to lack of ideas or time) since the last post was a month ago.|||Well alright ... I might make that sometimes for myself then hehe (it is doable and not "that" hard I think)
euhm euhm .. ok
What about an trigger that makes all your units transparant for an (or more) second(s) and make it look like all units are floating (like if they would all turn into spirits ...) don't think this one is to hard (think it can be done with abils ...) it can have any action, maybe type in: -ghost or smth ....
Anyway, gl on your new objective.|||do you mean invisible or transparent? because there's a big difference between the two.
You could just give & take away the crow form ability to every unit, set their flying height to a certain number, then set their transparency to whatever. (Transparency is under Animation)
Can't be bothered to write a map for it. And for the reverse time one, what you could do is when it's cast, it saves the data. Play continues as normal for ten seconds, and then it suddenly jumps back to what it was when it was first cast. As to casting it and it immediately going back in time, there's no realistic solution without it eating your memory like crazy.
That being said, I have been able to make a spell that freezes time for 10 seconds, with only the caster being unaffected. It's pretty cool, actually. It's going to be the antagonist's ultimate in my campaign, Pyritie's Adventure.|||ok, changed the invisble to transparant ... I meaned transparant anyway ...
Btw setting variables every second doesn't eat to much memory I think (depends ofc if you do more in that second) also it will only be actived after the thing is build/learned ofc....|||well a couple days ago i had an answer to your "go back in time spell" neo. kind of like the dota one right? yeah. well, if you still want it, pm me and ill send it to you. i wouldve posted but i wanted to give people a chance and i didnt know what was going on with the site...
found that out today :)
That being said, I have been able to make a spell that freezes time for 10 seconds, with only the caster being unaffected.
War stomp with a 99999999 range? :)|||dunno if it is like dota one, but anyway, post it here, if that one is "correct" then you'll be the leader (solution to either spell is alright if the solution is good ofc)|||well, if someone was going to post something for your problems, then i'll let them post and have a shot at the leader position. if no one says otherwise then i'll post it. i dont want to hog the leadership.
War stomp with a 99999999 range? :)
nah, I used battle roar as a base spell.
It's completely triggered. It also freezes every units' animation, and then unfreezes it at the end. I'm very proud of it.
And I think I have a problem, if noone can come up with one. It's probably a hard(ish) one that would involve a lot of math.|||Quote:
nah, I used battle roar as a base spell.
It's completely triggered. It also freezes every units' animation, and then unfreezes it at the end. I'm very proud of it.
And I think I have a problem, if noone can come up with one. It's probably a hard(ish) one that would involve a lot of math.
pssst. you want the Go back in time answer? Assuming if its ok and if its the correct form TheOneNeo wanted.
Oh yeah i forgot about animation. they still have animation when stunned.|||Bruce if you have an answer, plz post it and I'll see if it is correct, then you'll be the leader, I don't think anybody else is working on an solution ...|||Go back in time 10 seconds? I can imagine how to do it, with some lag perhaps but still do it. Wouldn't mind having a crack at it. Thanks for the challenge!
It needs to use gamecache and unit handles. Considering gamecache has a save unit function, that should make it easier... just every second, pick every unit, save it to... [slot 1-10][unit handle]... As well as saving its position.
PS. Would it be satisfactory if it didn't effect dead units/revived heroes? That adds whole new problems...|||GAHHH... Wouldn't believe it... I was typing this up and I accidentally hit back on my mouse!
Oh well. I did it.
I included a dark ranger in the example because it has some really cool effects... If you learn an ability in the 10 seconds you reverse, the ability is unlearned and the skill point returned. Also, if you charm a unit, it is returned to it's original owner.
The only thing I just realised is that to use it in a real map you'd need to make the unit group variable an array that uses the integer for a key... If you want to use this in a real map, maybe ask and I may be able to help you with it.
Anyway, wasn't that hard to make, just took a little thinking.
Oh yeah, the only thing is it doesn't effect dead units, because once you try to revive units and un-revive heroes and things you're much more likely to get crash bugs and stuff... Besides, this seems to be more than anyone else can come up with...
So, is it what you were after? :y-sneaky:|||hehe thats pretty good. im quite glad i didnt post. he just put mine to shame. The only bug i saw with it was the summons. when the skeletons were alive with the summon timer, and you use the "go back in time" thing, they lose the summon timer. otherwise good job on making this cool spell, im sure TheOneNeo will really like it.|||Haha, good point... I didn't think about summons... Lol. But you can add everything to different values anyway if you were gonna use the ability in a map. If you look at the triggers and see the unitx, unity, unitf, unitp... you could just add unitt or somthing for timers and set that up... But yeah I doubt it matters much, the theory has been shown.
Also I've never heard of anyone else making a time warp ability... Has it ever been done before?|||I don't think so, that is why I wanted somebody to see if, but now, you are the leader of this game :) I like it :) (althought small things that might not be working) and indeed bringing things back to life would be to much to ask ;)
You are the leader, come up with your problem ;)|||Haha, yay! I love being the only person to do somthing crazy with triggers... XD
Now to think up a neat problem...
Okay, this is definitely possible and probably shouldn't even be too hard. I was going to make it harder, but I wont - this shouldn't even need JASS.
First, put the camera in a side on view... With a bit of a Z-Offset so you can see things (camera above the ground). The idea is to get it side on, because this is going to be 2d style. Make a bird that is controllable by left, right, up and down keys.
So, it should be a side on view of a bird, which the player can control the flight of to make it go up, down, left and right. Bonus points if you make the camera follow the bird so it is always center screen.
Not too difficult, just enough to make people think creatively.
Happy triggering.
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