You can't change it, I think 90 is the maximun. I mean you can let some units that cost no food and the good one will cost food.
Please don't answer questions if you don't know what you are talking about.
You change the food limits and upkeep settings in Advance -> Game Constants. One's under Food, the other under Upkeep. If you shift+click you can set the food limit to whatever you want (although I am not sure if numbers above 300 are really supported).|||There is no such thing, I never play a game with 300 foods. Never a game will have food that are above 90. If there is, the game will be call lag.|||i think you don't know what TFT means|||Quote:
i think you don't know what TFT means
I lose my TFT
I lose my TFT
Yeah, we're all cryin' for ya.
Like Chunk said, please don't spout off if you don't know what you are talking about. That's how flame wars get started, then I get pissed off and have to start banning people.
And as far as I have seen, anything above 300 reverts to 300 once the game is started.|||thanks Chunk, It works!
...because in this boards tutorial it says You can not ever chane the food max number, Just letting you all know....
Where? I think you looked at the wrong place!|||Sorry guys for my child play.
I just saw the food chaging thing while I'm changing hero lvl. After I put the maximun hero lvl and scroll up, it is just there. The Maximun Food Lvl. Sorry again. After gotting my TFT back, I'm getting more on track with my work. Somehow I don't like creating TFT map tho.|||Quote:
Please don't answer questions if you don't know what you are talking about.
You change the food limits and upkeep settings in Advance -> Game Constants. One's under Food, the other under Upkeep. If you shift+click you can set the food limit to whatever you want (although I am not sure if numbers above 300 are really supported).
Uh.. Where is ''Advance'' ? -> ''Game Constants'' ? I can't find it.
Is it in ''Options'' ?. Try to tell people more exact
And it's 'Advanced,' not 'Advance' - it's by File, Edit, View, etc.|||EDIT/UPdate: Ok looking around thru all the war3 files I found the two options as described above in the world editor. So now my question is:
Is it possible to change these and make it a universal/global change for all single player and LAN games, or can it only be changed on individual maps on at a time?
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Hi guys, I a bit of a noob and looking for some more specific insutrctions on how to increase the foot/unit limit beyond 100.
Have read through this thread, but cannot locate a file in my warcraft3 install directory called advanced? Also tried shift + click in game but nothing happened?
Im using TFT and mosr recent Bnet patched version.
Can someone please show me how to do this?
Thank you so much.
Be safe all!|||A lot of old threads being brought back to the front recently.
You can't change it globally, no. You can change it for individuals maps or an entire campaign, but not globally.|||Emm....Don't get pissed after i say this:
But did any of u thnk 2 Just Open a created map and then turn it around
Like open icecrown or some TFT map,and just re-creat it...Much easier
Becoz everything iz set doods r set...u just need 2 change em fix em...Units
Gold mines u can change gold amount etc....Out of Heaven map i made hell map
2 easy xD......then mix it with diff thngs and it ends up ur map.......
This iz like a starters set...u can change wtever food limit u want 1000,1000000,10000000.......TD(Tower Def) they do do u thnk they spam so many more then 1000 on TD 101 Waves each wave has 100 Enemies... 100 X 1000=emmm 1,00,000 i thnk LOLZ
and i have a problem i dunno how 2 change my hero limit,its 10...and i wnna make it more then 10...HOW DA **** do i do that lol ?
GUYS!! i know how to have 312 soldiers! hahaha if anyone will comment next to me ill gladly to tell how >.<
ReplyDeleteplease this posts may be old but i know someone will reply!D: ok heres its gonna work (even no one will read)first build so many barracks or anything on the map after click and click or make so units make sure to full the production in each baracks(please make sure u have enough gold to flow ur production) then after you produce to so much units in ur barracks type pointbreak ,then after to fasten the result type warpten the food limit will go red and will be fulled if u make a lot of baracks trying to the maximum i think youll get 400plus but mines highest is only 312
ReplyDeletehow did i discover?XD i really liked to make my own missions(imaginary missions)means that i myself the one who speaks and control the untis it satisfy my brain
right now i have a problem downloading warcraft 3 frozen throne in my laptop i only did that was in my neighbors cybercafe so i cant show u guys a printscreen but if u help me download warcraft frozen throne 3 that can play gustom game i can showw u
ReplyDeletewhere am gonna build the place called (Last Man Standing)thats a map XD what iam gonna use orcs! what are my heroes rexxar or shall we called beast master at my profile in the cybercafe i made his life 2150 XD i guess thats easy to do then shadow shaman and pandaren brew master or blademaster
thanks :D