I'm afraid that you have failed to properly explain your situation lol I'm trying to grasp what your saying....do you mean that you are having problems making a custom Hero-unit? if so it's actually very simple. Just go into the [Object Editor] under the [Units] tab, right click anywhere on the left-->[new custom unit]. now select a PRE EXISTING HERO type unit for which you want to base your new hero unit off of. Then just edit the stats as well as the [Art - Icon - Game Interface], [Art - Icon - Score Screen], [Art-Model File], [Abilities - Hero] ...etc and then all you need to do is add that hero to either a tavern or an alter and bang, your good to go.|||
Untitled Trigger 001
Destructible - (select your crate) dies
Unit - Create 1 (Unit Type) for (Player) at (Position of (your crate you selected previously)) facing (XXX) degrees
Problem is your going to have to do that trigger for each individual crate...im sure theres a way you can compact it all into one trigger but I'm not sure what your doing specifically and not sure I will know how to compact it all into one trigger.
let me know if it works though =)
Edit: I am assuming that when you say "come out of cages" means when you destroy them lol|||thanks again ill get to work right away and get back 2 u if it works might take a while im not great at triggers
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