Anyways, heres the bug: all of the units have effectively zero collision size (even though they are NOT set to that in the editor) in that they can walk through buildings and each other... Worse, they dont follow movement commands... they get stuck for no reason, if you grab a group and tell them to go to somewhere, maybe half will make it there, the rest will get stuck or end up somewhere else. I have also seen units "jump", as in teleport, short distances when you tell them to move. When you try to exit the game, it freezes (you have to ctrl alt del).
Thats the jist of it anyways. I have been making maps for a while, and it seems that this will randomly happen to my maps as they progress. I wish I knew what I do to trigger it, but there seems to be no rhyme nor reason. I have reinstalled the game, run virus scan, ect cetera, and besides these maps my wc3 game works fine. Nor do I have any "illegal" triggers in the maps that i can think of, such as creating a leaderboard at inilization or something.
I have noticed that this only happens to my more complex maps, with more triggers and units and whatnot... not my comparitively simple ones.
But yes, I was wondering if anybody here has ever experienced anything like this, it is extremely strange... and frustrating. Sorry if the post seems long, I just wanted to clarify.
Thanks, any help at all is greatly appreciated!|||Unfortunately for you I havent come across that problem...but in one of my maps I have had a few rather strange occurances happen....If the abilities went over a specific level the casting range would go to 0, the unit would just walk up to where I clicked for something like "Blizzard" and you would only see the effect of the ability and there would be no damage. Also the rune circle of effect would dissappear and there wouldnt be any cursor.
The same sort of thing would happen when Avatar went over a specific level...only the unit wouldnt even respond to any orders.
Another problem I was having was that for some reason the game would crash when an enemy hero leveled up or just for no reason at all and there would be no error message explaining what happened (might be a problem with the AI but its impossible to tell) The map I made had all the normal units as heroes and I had put in a few additional "chaos" upgrades as well as every unit having the ability to carry and use one item. I have no Idea where the map started to go wong but it must be something to do with the AI or one of the enemy units/heroes leveling.|||Wow I have never have never heard of those bugs before either, which is pretty strange considering I have seen games where abilities level into the hundreds.
Where those "chaos" upgrades of yours based off the actual chaos upgrade btw, because I have heard tell that chaos is a notoriosly buggy upgrade (dont know any specifics, just hearsay).
How do you go about salvaging bugged maps? Do you just load an older version and lose the work or do you try and micromanage by deleting only what you think the problem is? (rarely does this work for me, as obviosly i dont know what could logically be causing the bug...)
Perhaps a good project for some knowldegable altruist on this forum would be to compile a list of known bugs, there causes/effects, and suggested fixes... at least I have little success in googling such a topic.|||Quote:
How do you go about salvaging bugged maps? Do you just load an older version and lose the work or do you try and micromanage by deleting only what you think the problem is? (rarely does this work for me, as obviosly i dont know what could logically be causing the bug...)
Perhaps a good project for some knowldegable altruist on this forum would be to compile a list of known bugs, there causes/effects, and suggested fixes... at least I have little success in googling such a topic.
I'm no expert but you might want to try pinpointing down what the source of the problem(s) is/are. I'm almost wondering if your units stop responding because of some type of lag they are experiencing from too many actions happening all at once.
To see if the problem has been imprinted in the map itself or if its just in one of the triggers/abilities/upgrades you might want to try seeing if the map will work normally if you make a copy and disable all triggers, restore all units/object data, restore maps gameplay constants/game interface to original settings. Just only one by one and test the map out after every setback.
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