My problem is that i made the dummy and the trigger and its working when i manually cast the spell with my tower . But when i put the same spell , i manually casted with , autocast , it doesnt trigger my dummy anymore.
I use Searing arrows base for my frost nova modified spell dunno if thats the problem , if so what spell should i base off when i try to make a dummy
unit - a units starts the effect of an ability
Ability being cast equal "spell of my tower"
create dummy
order cast spell
Also i was wondering if anyone knew if its possible to make chain lightning autocast or would i have to make another dummy thing.
Im working on my own 2 player td and i gotta say the tower is some job >.>
Cheers|||GUI doesn't have an condition to detect autocast, so it's not possible to make this able with GUI (the normal triggers you can use), you will need to learn JASS for it, to be able to get this off the floor.|||really so without autocast would their be way to make a tower do chain lightning . Or i really need jass language?
Cuz i guess i can learn it .|||You could try to replace the projectile art in the F6 editor.
For JASS tutorials, have a look at|||k thx ill do some reading|||Well i found it ...finaly...
For those who like me where seeking how to do those kind of tower. here is your answer :
No JASS needed
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