Thursday, April 12, 2012

Custom Races and AI

[:1]Hey guys, first post here. I don't really have much mapmaking experience when it comes to triggers and AI, and I'm not succeeding on getting my custom race to work. All the units are custom, and I have enough experience with AI to think that that isn't the problem. I think the trigger I am using to start the AI and create the custom race isn't working correctly, and I though maybe you guys could help me, as it seems most of you are very experienced. So, currently, I have a trigger creating starting workers and the Town Hall equivalent, and a trigger starting the AI. The result, every time, is peasant-type units harvesting, but nothing else. That, I believe, is what usually happens when the AI doesn't work, but I could definitely be wrong. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, and I would really appreciate it if you guys could help me.

Thanks!|||Hey guys, anybody got an answer? I could use your help! Thanks!|||Really? Nobody? This isn't that complicated, is it?|||*sigh* bump|||I still would like help with this...|||Thanks StephSte. I'm not sure if that's the problem though, because I have so little experience with triggers that I think I probably am doing something wrong with the trigger. What would you do to create a trigger for this? Again, thanks! |||If you send me your map and AI script, I can take a look if you like.|||you need to add script:

unit replace town hall(example temple of tides) for player __(example player 12, is your want custom melee ai) and you need to edit cuztomize object editor or unit properties.

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