Monday, April 16, 2012

Listing Abilities In Creep Announcement

Hiya, If any of you know my map "Ancient Tower Defense" its going great, expect V0.05 Soon!

Anyway, i would like to know if theirs a way for me to list the units abilities without me defining them in a variable and get them straight from the units list or some other method, like Element TD And Legion TD?|||Don't think so. The easiest way is probably to give all units with the same abilities the same point value, and all spells those units have in common in a sting array, with the same number.

Unit Owned by Player (1) Red begins the effect of an ability
Unit Owned by Player (2) Blue begins the effect of an ability
Unit Owned by Player (3) Teal begins the effect of an ability
Unit Owned by Player (4) Purple begins the effect of an ability
Unit Owned by Player (5) Yellow begins the effect of an ability
Ability Being cast equal to ShowMyAbilities
Game - display to (Player Group (Owner of Triggering Unit)) AbilityString[point value of Triggering Unit])

something like that

Note: I haven't played your map so I don't know if you cast a spell to view abilities ot how that works. But I hope you get my drift|||thanks for the help, i think im going to have to do it the long and painful way....:(

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