[:1]Hey all, I made a post before but now I edited this because I figured it out almost right after posting... lulz.
Anyways, right now i'm working on it and for some reason I made a trigger so that the player can only choose 1 Hero... But when I go to test it I can spawn unlimited amounts of Heroes. The only way i've been able to remedy this is by making the Hero i've made cost 100000g and starting off the player with that amount... Then i'd have to make all the selectable Heroes cost the same.
Is there any other way to fix this?
Also, I was wondering if I could make it so that the player's Hero has Lives, and when you run out the game ends.
Thanks for your time. :)|||Add your custom heros to Techtree - Dependancy Equivalents - Hero in Advanced->Gameplay Constants.|||Thanks. :D
I am making a game where the player's defend a small area against waves of Zombies but i'm having a couple problems like, I wanted the zombies to have to attack and destroy a gate before being able to get to the player, but when I make a custom Destructible gate it won't allow the Hero to repair it because it's labeled Debris, but when I take off the Debris characteristic from it the Zombies won't attack it.
Also, I want each wave of Zombie to be timed, like Wave 1 comes in at 6 seconds, Wave 2 comes in at 18 seconds, etc,. but to also be able to show when those Waves come in through a message on the screen... The only thing i'm having trouble with is showing a Timer for elapsed time on the screen and to show a scoreboard showing how many Zombie kills a player has accumulated.
One more thing - I want to make it so that when a Hero repairs a gate, they earn gold instead of spend it.
Thanks a lot, hopefully I will be more of a help in the future than just asking questions.|||"but when I make a custom Destructible gate it won't allow the Hero to repair it because it's labeled Debris, but when I take off the Debris characteristic from it the Zombies won't attack it."
Go to the "Repair" skill and allow it to target Debris.
"Anyways, right now i'm working on it and for some reason I made a trigger so that the player can only choose 1 Hero... But when I go to test it I can spawn unlimited amounts of Heroes"
Set the gold and lumber to a rediculos amount or have only heros cost food and have a trigger like
Untitled Trigger 001
Time - Elapsed game time is 0.10 seconds
Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Player - Set (Picked player) Available free Heroes to 1
and if you use the food thing
Untitled Trigger 002
Time - Elapsed game time is 0.10 seconds
Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Player - Set (Picked player) Food cap to 5
Player - Set (Picked player) Food max to 5
Hope this helps :)
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