Saturday, April 14, 2012

Walking through gates issues.


I have a build-able gate that uses two separate units, one to build and start out closed, and one unit for using a custom path mapping. Everything works great as far as functionality of the gate (Triggers/Ability).

One bizarre issue is sending units through the gate. Sometimes they are wanting to go around it. I can build one gate.. then a few squares down build another gate. Then put a unit above both closed gates.

Click on top gate, open it. Click on bottom top gate open it. Highlight unit, click below both gates. The unit will walk around the top gate and walk through the bottom gate.... He seems to favor the gate last clicked on. Now I can send units through if I first click the top gate, then click the bottom gate, then click anywhere below.. Or getting the units very close to the gate and spam clicking below it.

But.. Once they do go through it they 'learn' that it's open and I can send future units no problem if the gate stays open. Once I close/reopen it, units seem to 'unlearn' that it's open.

Just wondering if this is a bug with gates? It's really annoying for units wanting to go around an open gate all the time and having to first click ON the gate first.. ><

Hey workaround/fix for this issue would be very helpful. Thanks!|||What pathing map are you using for the open gate? I recommend using the circle of power.|||Just create a region in front of the gate and create a trigger so whenever a unit steps into the region the gate will open and then close.



Unit- A unit enters (Your Region here)



Destructable- Open (Your Gate here)

Wait 2 seconds

Destructable- Close (Your Gate here)

Hope I Helped!

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