Thursday, April 12, 2012

Customizing sounds

[:1]Ok so.

I've been looking answers to this quite some time but still havent found one.

Lets say that I have custom unit called Mr.Z and he has original sounds from a Peon and I wan't to give him a soundfile called for example thisissparta.mp3 and tonightwedineinhell.mp3.

How can i do this ?|||Import the sounds with the name of the original sound you wish to replace and list it as the same address in the custom address field of the import manager.|||ok but lets say there arent the same number of unit sounds you want to add in any of the units listed. For example, I want to add the original Terran Space Marine unit sounds to a map but this unit has:

2 death sounds

6 pissed sounds

1 ready sound

1 what sound

2 yes sounds

and 1 yes attack sound.

How would one get around this problem?|||Heres an in-depth tutorial (Kinda)


Hope I Helped!

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