Monday, April 16, 2012

nees help again...^^

NEED** ^^ wrote wrong again...

Hi again...i need help whit a little dificult thing,i have like a building and when that building is alive it will send units and when it is dead it wont send. can anyone help me whit that?|||It will be a lot easier to help you if you are more clear and descriptive as to what it is you are wishing to do.|||ummm...if a building is built units will be spawned ... if the building is destroyed the units will not be spawned,understand?|||Yeah, I get that, but are we talking about one type of building or multiple, a single instance of that building or multiple, etc.?|||I am only using one building.i can upload the map when i am almost done so u can see what i need help whit.|||Create a 'point' variable called TempLoc, then use the following trigger:

Time - Every 2.00 seconds of game time
(BUILDING is dead) Equal to False
Set TempLoc = (Center of SPAWNRECT)
Unit - Create NUMBER UNITTYPE for PLAYER at TempLoc facing Default building facing degrees
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempLoc)

Replace 2.00 with whatever interval you desire, of course.|||ok...i think i know how to do it(not your way) this way=

Build trigger:

events:unit enter (start region<gen>)



unit - order (entering unit) to build a Barracks at (center of(my build reg)<gen>)

wait 10.00 gamte-time second

unit - kill (entering unit)

trigger - turn of (this trigger)

Set building trigger(set the building to a variable):

events: unit - a unit owned by player 12(brown) Begins construction)


actions:Set building1 = (constructed structure)

trigger - turn of (this trigger)

spawn trigger:

events: Time - every 40.00 seconds of game time



unit - order building1 to train/upgrade to a footman (or your unit)

unit - order (trained unit) to attack-move to (center of (your first move reg)<gen>).

Turn off spawn trigger:

events: unit - a unit owned by player 12 (brown) dies

conditions:(dying unit) equal to building1

actions: trigger - turn off spawn trig <gen>|||never mind i just remembered something

i cant make it it just wont do it. i WAS making a map i called last stand td ver (the one i needed help whit) but it just dont work the other towers will just attack the wrong persons, if i make a td map i will maybe use it (depends on the type of td map i make) well ty anyway


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