Monday, April 16, 2012

System similar to 'Switch' from StarEdit?

Is there a way to make a system like this? Well, first does anyone remember what StarEdit is? The old StarCraft world editor had a system called Switch. It was simple and it worked all the time. Basically, you can have an event turn a switch on (1) or off (0). The switch would get stored so you can call on it again for a later trigger.

Can this be done in WarCraft III Worldedit?|||I'm not quite sure what you're describing, but it sounds like the equivalent of a simple boolean variable. To create a variable, open the variable editor (CTRL-B) from the Trigger Editor.|||Quote:

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I'm not quite sure what you're describing, but it sounds like the equivalent of a simple boolean variable. To create a variable, open the variable editor (CTRL-B) from the Trigger Editor.

What type would it be, integer? Can I even use integer for events and actions, maybe even conditions that are not integer?|||Well, you have two options, really. You can create an integer variable and only set it to values of 0 or 1 at any time, or you can create a boolean variable (which has values of true/false). You can use 'Integer comparison' to check whether it's 0/1 and 'Boolean comparison' to check whether it's true/false.|||So you want it to be a system that detects when a "switch" (aka boolean) is on (true) or off (false).

I'm not really too sure if that would be possible in War3. You could have a periodic event that occurrs every 0.01 seconds that checks whether or not the boolean is true.

I'm not quite sure if that would cause much lag or not...I guess it would really depend on what you plan to do as a result of the switches being on/off (true/false).

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