And sorry for my bad english as it's not my language.
First of all, i am extremely new to World Editor and even the smallest detail must be explained to me thoroughly. (Please don't flame me for this and ask me to read the tutorial first, thanks!)
Alright, first of all, i have a few questions.
1) I edited a hero skill animation and damage. When i press the skills, i find it weird as the hero does not do any animation and the skill just get casted like that. I wish to make the hero do the "victory" animation for 1-2 seconds when casting the skill. How do i do that? Also, how do i make it so that the the skill only damages enemys after 1 second of casting the skill? (Note that, by this time, the hero is still doing the "victory" animation). For example, the resurrection skill with the angel coming down, like the ultimate for omniknight. The angel comes down slow, and i only want enemies to be damaged after the angel fully comes down and do the sword slash thingy.
2) When casting the skill, as stated in question 1, i want the earth beneath the hero to crack (Like earthshaker). How do i do it? Yes, its only the cracks, units can still walk through it.
3) For a skill, stampede. I want to make a skill similar to this, but instead, footmans is used. However, when i change the animation, the footman does not "run". How do i make them "run"?
4) How do i make creep spawn every few seconds like in Dota?
5) And in relating to question 4, lets say that there are 2 barracks, A and B.
How do i make it so that, only barracks A spawn creeps. And after barracks A is destroyed, it no longer spawns creeps and barracks B spawns creep instead. But the creeps are tougher and stronger.
6) For the combat attack for units, what does all the weird things means? Like damage per dice, number of dice, sides per die, loss factor, etc.
If i want the damage to be 50 - 55, plain and simple, how do i make it? Its confusing.
7) There is a level 6 skill, however when i test the map, the level 6 skill is always on the 3rd slot, no matter if i move the skill up or down in the world editor. How do i make the skill in the 4th slot?
8) When i hero cast a skill, how do i make 3 kinds of sounds? Firstly, skill sound which can only be heard by the player. 2nd, the skill sound which can be heard near the area. And lastly, the skill sound which can be heard by everyone on the map.
Thats all for now. Thanks!|||Question 1:
Go Here: http://world-editor-tutorials.thehel...php?view=32588
Question 2:
Dont Understands This one..
Question 3:
-> Question 1
Question 4:
Spawn Creeps
Time - Every 2.00 seconds of game time
Unit - Create 1 Footman for Player 1 (Red) at (Position of (Random unit from (Units owned by Player 1 (Red) of type Barracks))) facing Default building facing degrees
Question 5:
Spawn Humans
Time - Every 2.00 seconds of game time
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
((Random unit from (Units owned by Player 1 (Red) of type Altar of Kings)) is alive) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Unit - Create 1 Footman for Player 1 (Red) at (Position of (Random unit from (Units owned by Player 1 (Red) of type Barracks))) facing Default building facing degrees
Else - Actions
Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Question 6:
Small explanation, Roll a Dice..
Question 7:
It seems like you havent searched for this at All......
Next time try seacrhing for it before posting alot of questions..
In the Object Editor:
Art - Button Position (X)
Art - Button Position (Y)
Question 8:
Goto the Sound Editor and find those sounds you will use..
Next make a trigger:
Ability Sounds
Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Test Animation
Sound - Play Sound1 <gen>
Wait 2.58 seconds
Sound - Play Sound2 <gen>
Wait 3.44 seconds
Sound - Play Sound3 <gen>
Wait 2.84 seconds
See the sound lenght in the Sound editor..
- This is just done very quickly so its just as simpel as it can be.. Not the most effective triggers..|||I have an answer for you!
Event- A unit begins casting an ability
Condition- Ability being cast is equal to Searing Blades
Special effect- Play special effect War stomp on position of casting unit.
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