[:1]I have just been analysing this ability and been trying to play with it and see which other abilities are able to work with it or just plainly do nothing.
I'll start a small list of abilities that work as a "Cast on strike" effect, feel free to try this out yourself and post your successes or failures.
Death Coil (also will heal friendly undead units)
Breath of Fire
Breath of Frost
Carrion Swarm
Chain Lightning (:D)
(!)Siphon Mana (Works but game crashes!)
Unholy Frenzy
(!)Chaos (How can I describe what it does...Once there was a brave hero named Ballador the Bright

...One day Ballador decided he would go on an adventure through the swamp of sorrows ...until he came across the "Searing Blade of Death"

. Ballador, being bright, decided he was going to use it to defeat the evil troll witch doctor who wouldnt leave him alone. and so he picked it up without knowing that the blade was cursed and would turn him into a Fel Boar. Ballador the Fel-Boar wandered off into a huge family of Quill boars. He didnt like the way the story went so he quit and disappeared from the game entirely never to be seen or heard from again. Yet his soul still hangs in the window right underneath the portrait of Dorian Grey, who is now a little girl. :P)
Have not gotten to work/does nothing:
Flame Strike
War Stomp
Mass Teleport
Staff of Teleportation
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